Don’t worry if it doesn’t work right.Don’t worry if it doesn’t work right. If everything did, you’d be out of a job. – Mosher’s Law of Software Engineering The post Don’t worry if it doesn’t work right. appeared first on @SilasỌlátáyọ̀. Tags: Quotes
Please the Lord your GodBY THE GOD OF YOUR FATHER WHO WILL HELP YOU, AND BY THE ALMIGHTY WHO WILL BLESS YOU WITH BLESSINGS OF HEAVEN ABOVE. ( GENESIS 49:25 * NKJV ) God’s many blessings continue to please us, so we should do ...Tags: Quotes, Motivation, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus Christ, Lord, The Word
Most good programmers do programming not …Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program. – Linus Torvalds The post Most good programmers do programming not … appeared first on ...Tags: Quotes, Motivation, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus Christ, Lord, The Word, Quotes
How to Generate Instagram Access TokenSo, in a quick and easy steps, I will be showing how to Generate Instagram Access Token the easy way. “I love easy and I don’t like what I hate” . Firstly, go to Instagram Developer page and login to your account. I ...Tags: Quotes, Motivation, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus Christ, Lord, The Word, Quotes, How-to, Access Token, Instagram, Social Media, Social Network
The greatness of a MAN is within while the ruin …The greatness of a MAN is within while the ruin of a man is UPON. When the spirit of pride comes upon you, it’s heavier than gravity. – Silas Olatayo The post The greatness of a MAN is within while ...Tags: Quotes, Motivation, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus Christ, Lord, The Word, Quotes, How-to, Access Token, Instagram, Social Media, Social Network, Quotes
Projets Décoration France | Regardez les meilleurs projets de décoration à France. Et vous inspirez pour vos projets. Vous déjà connait Delightfull ? Delightfull est une marque portugaise d´éclairage qui avez une grande présence dans les projets de luxe en ... 1 Repin Likes
Don’t worry if it doesn’t work right.Don’t worry if it doesn’t work right. If everything did, you’d be out of a job. – Mosher’s Law of Software Engineering The post Don’t worry if it doesn’t work right. appeared first on @SilasỌlátáyọ̀.Tags: Quotes
Please the Lord your GodBY THE GOD OF YOUR FATHER WHO WILL HELP YOU, AND BY THE ALMIGHTY WHO WILL BLESS YOU WITH BLESSINGS OF HEAVEN ABOVE. ( GENESIS 49:25 * NKJV ) God’s many blessings continue to please us, so we should do our best to please God as well! We do that by obeying His Commandments and by loving our neighbors as ourselves. For our Savior Jesus Christ said, “YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND. THIS IS THE FIRST AND GREAT COMMANDMENT. AND THE SECOND IS LIKE IT: YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. ON THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS HANG ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS.” ( MATTHEW 22:39-40 ) So, do your best each day to live by God’s Commandments, and share your love with others so THAT YOU MAY WALK WORTHY OF THE LORD, FULLY PLEASING HIM, BEING FRUITFUL IN EVERY GOOD WORK AND INCREASING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. ( COLOSSIANS 1:10 ) After all when you do, His blessings will flow abundantly to you! For it is even written that: WHEN A MAN’S WAYS PLEASE THE LORD, HE MAKES EVEN HIS ENEMIES TO BE AT PEACE WITH HIM. Amen! ( COLOSSIANS 1:10 ) & ( PROVERBS 16:7 ) You are blessed! The post Please the Lord your God appeared first on @SilasỌlátáyọ̀.Tags: Quotes, Motivation, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus Christ, Lord, The Word
Most good programmers do programming not …Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program. – Linus Torvalds The post Most good programmers do programming not … appeared first on @SilasỌlátáyọ̀.Tags: Quotes, Motivation, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus Christ, Lord, The Word, Quotes
How to Generate Instagram Access TokenSo, in a quick and easy steps, I will be showing how to Generate Instagram Access Token the easy way. “I love easy and I don’t like what I hate” . Firstly, go to Instagram Developer page and login to your account. I want to believe you already have a developer account and you have a registered client. If you don’t, then click on ‘Manage Clients’ and register a new client. Fill all the required details properly and set your “Valid redirect URIs:” to your development URI e.g http://localhost/project/ ; a URL only you can privately access. Occasionally, I’m used to something like for my development. Complete the client registration process and make sure you have the “Disable implicit OAuth” box unchecked in the ‘Security’ tab. On completion, click on ‘Manage‘ to get the Client ID we need for the Access Token. Now, copy the CLIENT ID and replace it in the address below.[CLIENT_ID]&redirect_uri= Make sure you change the value of redirect_uri to your appropriate development environment. Copy the full link to your browser and press enter. This will obviously take you to Instagram server where you will grant the newly registered client the access to your Instagram account. Proceed with this step and grant the client the access to your account. After a successful access grant, Instagram will redirect you back to your redirect_uri with the access token as [redirect_uri]/#access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN] . The “How to Generate Instagram Access Token” steps are easy and you should have no issue doing it. Furthermore, the “Client Status” is set to Sandbox Mode by default. With this mode on, only users on your “Sandbox Invites” list are permitted to use your app. You can only invite a max of 10 users to use your app. To opt-out of sandbox mode read this Instagram note depicted below: Now that you know how to Generate Instagram Access Token, remember to keep it like a TOKEN. If you have any contribution or question, please SAY SOMETHING below. Thanks. The post How to Generate Instagram Access Token appeared first on @SilasỌlátáyọ̀.Tags: Quotes, Motivation, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus Christ, Lord, The Word, Quotes, How-to, Access Token, Instagram, Social Media, Social Network
The greatness of a MAN is within while the ruin …The greatness of a MAN is within while the ruin of a man is UPON. When the spirit of pride comes upon you, it’s heavier than gravity. – Silas Olatayo The post The greatness of a MAN is within while the ruin … appeared first on @SilasỌlátáyọ̀.Tags: Quotes, Motivation, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus Christ, Lord, The Word, Quotes, How-to, Access Token, Instagram, Social Media, Social Network, Quotes
Projets Décoration France | Regardez les meilleurs projets de décoration à France. Et vous inspirez pour vos projets. Vous déjà connait Delightfull ? Delightfull est une marque portugaise d´éclairage qui avez une grande présence dans les projets de luxe en France. #projetsdedecoration #francedesigninterieur Laissez-vous inspirer et suivez : 1 Repin Likes